Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Tragedy

I had a tragedy in my life this week. For those of you who know me well, you will understand what a real tragedy this was to me. On Friday I purchased a box of hair color to do my hair. I rushed home to color it, with LuLu Belle hanging around and 35 minutes until I had to pick up her big sisters. So yes, this was a rush job, which was my first mistake. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "Oh no! A tragedy?! She must have got hair dye in her baby's eyes and had to rush to the ER!" For the record, this is not that kind of tragedy (but that did happen to me when I was little, I'm just saying.)

Here comes the tragic part: So I take the towel off my head and it is purple! I don't mean that pretty shade of burgundy that glistens in the sunlight. I mean ROCK STAR PURPLE! Cry yourself to sleep purple! Don't take the girl seriously purple! Yes, now you see the tragedy.

So with only minutes until I have to get the big girls, I wash and I wash and I wash. Four times I washed my hair in hopes of it fading out... to no avail. So I put my hair up and put on a hat and head out to pick up my kids (also the place I work, which makes it even worse), thinking maybe no one will notice. People noticed. Some giggles, some "oh, you changed your hair color...interesting choice" and of course Roxy Girl greets me with, "Mom! Your hair looks weird! Why is it purple?"

Long story even longer, I spent the weekend stripping my hair with an internet recipe of baking soda and dandruff shampoo, just to get a few shades lighter. It's better, but my husband still says I look like a skater chick. I just tell people I did it in honor of the Super Bowl to show my spirit for the Patriots (red + blue = purple).

So the moral of this story is, that THIS is my tragedy. I am thankful to God that this is what I consider a tragedy in my life. I have friends and family and people that I know, that have "real" tragedies, and this is all I have to cry myself to sleep about (I really didn't). We are healthy, we are safe, we have a roof over our heads and we laugh a lot. God is good. Life is good. And being a skater chick, isn't so bad.

This photo is from Halloween, when we were all punk rockers and I put purple spray paint in my hair. But this will give you the idea.

Isn't it Lovely

It is beginning to look a little like heart day around here. The girls have been busy creating valentines and decorations for our house. They also made valentines and bookmarks to send to family. Here are just a few of the decorations on display around our house.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What if He said Yes

Recently the youth pastor at our church gave an amazing sermon on prayer. The part that hit me the most was when he posed this question: What if God said yes to every one of your prayers this week?

That really made me stop and think about what I am praying about. Sure, blessing our food and safe travels are great, but I want to be sure that every week I am going for the big stuff. If this is the week that he says yes to it all, then I want to make sure I pray for my friend that needs healing, and my family members that need to know Jesus, and my kids to make wise decisions.

I want my prayers to reflect what I believe God can do. I serve a great God and I want him to know that I believe he can move mountains!

1 John 5:14-15
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him.

God answers many of my prayers, but I am going to intentionally prayer as if this is the week he says yes to all of my prayers. Hmmm... where shall I begin?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Fun Friday

In an attempt to be an organized blogger, I am going to spend Fridays briefing you on a few things we did over the week. At school, the girls have "Fun Friday", so we are always celebrating Fridays.

1. We started back to school. We were pretty used to sleeping in, so this was tough for all of us, but mostly for LuLu, who got quite used to sleeping in until almost 9!

2. As mentioned before, we started basketball. When I say we, I mean, the two older girls play and their dad is the coach. We are all very excited!

3. My husband and I have started getting up an hour earlier than usual! This started by accident with our clock resetting itself. No matter how hard we tried, we would fix the clock, only to find the next morning that it jumped ahead an hour and the alarm goes off an hour earlier. Since we tried quite a few times to fix it to no avail, we felt God was tugging on our sleeve, so we both have been using this time to read our bibles. I pray we are diligent in sticking with it.

4. I have adopted a small theme for myself (and our family) that is "Choose Joy". So we are going to try to be intentional about choosing JOY, even when we don't want to. I made it "official" by having it on my cell phone banner. I may even attempt to create a sign to hang on our walls. I have three kids, who am I kidding. Let's just say it and call it official:)

5. Tonight is Movie Night. It's funny how something so simple can be so special to our family. Every Friday night, we pop some popcorn, lace it with m and m's and snuggle on the couch. It's something we all look forward to.

Have a fun Friday!

It's a New Year!

So here I go. I am at this again. I'm not going to try to play catch up. I'm starting fresh.

We had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year, and now we are going about our daily routines with the addition of basketball. The girls got a basketball hoop for Christmas, which is quite appropriate, since they had their first basketball practice last night. The big girls are on the same team for the first time ever! This should be interesting... We talked a lot about being your sister's biggest fan and encourager. But the best part of all is their dad is also the coach. Our girls have the best life! When I grow up, I want to be them.