Friday, January 6, 2012

Fun Friday

In an attempt to be an organized blogger, I am going to spend Fridays briefing you on a few things we did over the week. At school, the girls have "Fun Friday", so we are always celebrating Fridays.

1. We started back to school. We were pretty used to sleeping in, so this was tough for all of us, but mostly for LuLu, who got quite used to sleeping in until almost 9!

2. As mentioned before, we started basketball. When I say we, I mean, the two older girls play and their dad is the coach. We are all very excited!

3. My husband and I have started getting up an hour earlier than usual! This started by accident with our clock resetting itself. No matter how hard we tried, we would fix the clock, only to find the next morning that it jumped ahead an hour and the alarm goes off an hour earlier. Since we tried quite a few times to fix it to no avail, we felt God was tugging on our sleeve, so we both have been using this time to read our bibles. I pray we are diligent in sticking with it.

4. I have adopted a small theme for myself (and our family) that is "Choose Joy". So we are going to try to be intentional about choosing JOY, even when we don't want to. I made it "official" by having it on my cell phone banner. I may even attempt to create a sign to hang on our walls. I have three kids, who am I kidding. Let's just say it and call it official:)

5. Tonight is Movie Night. It's funny how something so simple can be so special to our family. Every Friday night, we pop some popcorn, lace it with m and m's and snuggle on the couch. It's something we all look forward to.

Have a fun Friday!

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