Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Tragedy

I had a tragedy in my life this week. For those of you who know me well, you will understand what a real tragedy this was to me. On Friday I purchased a box of hair color to do my hair. I rushed home to color it, with LuLu Belle hanging around and 35 minutes until I had to pick up her big sisters. So yes, this was a rush job, which was my first mistake. I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, "Oh no! A tragedy?! She must have got hair dye in her baby's eyes and had to rush to the ER!" For the record, this is not that kind of tragedy (but that did happen to me when I was little, I'm just saying.)

Here comes the tragic part: So I take the towel off my head and it is purple! I don't mean that pretty shade of burgundy that glistens in the sunlight. I mean ROCK STAR PURPLE! Cry yourself to sleep purple! Don't take the girl seriously purple! Yes, now you see the tragedy.

So with only minutes until I have to get the big girls, I wash and I wash and I wash. Four times I washed my hair in hopes of it fading out... to no avail. So I put my hair up and put on a hat and head out to pick up my kids (also the place I work, which makes it even worse), thinking maybe no one will notice. People noticed. Some giggles, some "oh, you changed your hair color...interesting choice" and of course Roxy Girl greets me with, "Mom! Your hair looks weird! Why is it purple?"

Long story even longer, I spent the weekend stripping my hair with an internet recipe of baking soda and dandruff shampoo, just to get a few shades lighter. It's better, but my husband still says I look like a skater chick. I just tell people I did it in honor of the Super Bowl to show my spirit for the Patriots (red + blue = purple).

So the moral of this story is, that THIS is my tragedy. I am thankful to God that this is what I consider a tragedy in my life. I have friends and family and people that I know, that have "real" tragedies, and this is all I have to cry myself to sleep about (I really didn't). We are healthy, we are safe, we have a roof over our heads and we laugh a lot. God is good. Life is good. And being a skater chick, isn't so bad.

This photo is from Halloween, when we were all punk rockers and I put purple spray paint in my hair. But this will give you the idea.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! I love your spin on it, such a great perspective =)
