Friday, June 3, 2011


Recently, our Roxy Girl turned six. This is a big milestone for her, as now she has to use two hands to show her age. We celebrated her birthday with a horse/cowgirl party. She spent days and days planning out exactly what was going to happen, what crafts, what games, the menu, even designing her own cupcake cake. But most of her party preparation was spent drawing out maps of the back yard and exactly where all 11 crafts and games would go. Much to her dismay, she woke up to discover it was pouring rain. As in buckets, lightning, thunder. Now those of you that know her know when she has a plan, things must go according to plan, or else. The first thing she said, with map in hand, was, "Having my party in the garage was not on my map", while tears streamed down her cheeks. Not just a few tears, but buckets and buckets of tears. So when she put herself to bed for a much needed nap, Daddy and I, with the help of Jinglebell, got to work, transforming the garage and house into a Ranch for horses. When she woke up, she said, "I'm sorry I was so upset. I didn't know how good you could make it. Thank you." She is growing up before our eyes.

PS The indoor party was a great success!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet girl! I'm glad she had a wonderful party :)
