Monday, June 21, 2010


Okay, so I'm back and I'm going to do my best to be a regular blogger. Life with three kids, what more can I say???

I see I have a second follower... oh the pressure.

A lot has happened over the last few months. It will probably take me the next few months to get you up to speed with the events in our lives. We are a busy, thriving family of five that I will attempt to reveal to you. You. Who is you? Let' be real. I'm really only hoping that I will get this blog thing down and then once I'm good and a regular, I might actually tell people I have a blog:)

1. As you can see, I have been playing around with the layout and design of this blog. I like the new look. It's not finished, but I decided I better give it some content before I worry about how it looks.
2. As for becoming a jogger... oh, uh runner: Well I have been semi successful with that. It comes and goes in spurts, mostly depending on how busy my family is, as my running tends to take a back seat to soccer practice, making dinner, pretty much anything. I'm a work in progress.
That's if for housekeeping, now let's get down to the nitty gritty (I always despised that expression).

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