Monday, June 28, 2010

Out of the Mouths of Babes

A good half hour after being tucked in to bed, Beera comes out with tears streaming down her face. This is what our conversation looked like:
Me: Baby what's wrong?
Beera: I can't tell you, you'll laugh at me.
Me: No I won't, I promise. You can tell me anything.
Beera: (wrapping her arms tightly around me and now sobbing) I'm going to miss you when I marry a boyfriend.
Me: You don't have to move out, you and your husband can live here. You will always have a room and a bed in our house.
Beera: (starting to look more content) But what if I get really tall?
Me: Then we'll buy you a bigger bed.
Beera: But that would be a waste of money.... Do grownups sleep in bunk beds?
Me: I don't see why not.
Beera: (now perfectly happy) Then that is what we'll do. I'll sleep on the bottom bunk, and the boyfriend I marry will sleep on the top.
Me: Sounds like a plan.

Now all is good in her world.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Recently our family went on a trip to Marine World (or Discover Kingdom as it is now called). We stayed the night in a hotel and then went to the Jelly Belly Factory the next day. It was a lot of fun!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

This weekend we celebrated father's day with my two favorite dads. My own dad, and the father of my children. We started the day snuggled in our bed with our family daddy, and ended the day with a family BBQ with my dad. Another Father's Day tradition in our house is our annual ice cream voting contest. I cover the labels of several flavors of ice cream and number them. Then we vote on a piece of paper for them, and then reveal the flavors after voting. It's always a big hit and something we all look forward to each year.

If I had to use one word to describe my dad, it would be integrity. He is a man that always does what is right. I look up to my dad and he has always been a hero in my life. He means the world to me, and I have learned so much about parenting from him. I could not ask for a better father and I will always be his Tweedles. It has been a true joy to watch him be the most amazing Grandpa to my girls. Love you, Dad!

The other amazing dad in my life is my husband. He is the best dad my three girls could ask for. He works hard for us and he plays hard with us. On any given day you can find him mowing the lawn, attending a tea party and reading the bible to his girls. He is the best daddy and I know all three of our girls are "Daddy's Girls". I'm proud to have him as my partner in this thing called parenting. Love you, babe!


Okay, so I'm back and I'm going to do my best to be a regular blogger. Life with three kids, what more can I say???

I see I have a second follower... oh the pressure.

A lot has happened over the last few months. It will probably take me the next few months to get you up to speed with the events in our lives. We are a busy, thriving family of five that I will attempt to reveal to you. You. Who is you? Let' be real. I'm really only hoping that I will get this blog thing down and then once I'm good and a regular, I might actually tell people I have a blog:)

1. As you can see, I have been playing around with the layout and design of this blog. I like the new look. It's not finished, but I decided I better give it some content before I worry about how it looks.
2. As for becoming a jogger... oh, uh runner: Well I have been semi successful with that. It comes and goes in spurts, mostly depending on how busy my family is, as my running tends to take a back seat to soccer practice, making dinner, pretty much anything. I'm a work in progress.
That's if for housekeeping, now let's get down to the nitty gritty (I always despised that expression).