Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Picking Up Where I Left Off

Okay, so again, it's been a while. Can I please just pick up where I left off and pretend that I haven't been gone long. Thanks.
The purpose of my blog is really not for the audience (what audience???), but rather to record our family events. Before I can do that, I have to say how unbelievably thankful I am for my wonderful husband. He works SO hard every day, just so that I can stay home and be with our kids. He doesn't get to spend his day getting hugs and kisses from our three little girls, or walking them to school, or singing and dancing with our girlies. But it has always been a priority to him that I get to do those things, and for that, I will be forever thankful to him. He works hard, so that we can play hard. Thanks Babe, you're a keeper. Oh, and the fact that you are oh so hot, is such a bonus.

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