Saturday, February 6, 2010

It's a New Year

Okay, so Happy New Year to all! Okay, who am I kidding: no one (thankfully, the pressure would be immense) actually reads this. So it is a new year and a new me. A lot has changed since my last post. First, I am now the mother of three girly girls. Our sweet baby girl is three months old. And being the mom of three small children, I am extrememly busy and LOVING it. I was born to be a mommy. Secondly, I am officially a jogger. In a soft sense of the word. I have taken up jogging in my spare time (what's that?). It is good "me time" that I value. My goal: 30 minutes three times a week. There, I said it. Now that it is in print for all to see, I have to stick with it. Thirdly, I now have a school age child. Jinglebell started kindergarten and is loving it, but boy does it make me feel old. Beara is doing a homeschool version of preschool with a few of our friends. She loves it. And sweet baby Crocodila is our tag a long baby, just goin' with the flo. Life is good. God is good.

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