Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Lovely Day

I know what you're thinking, this looks very similar to our Christmas card... that's the beauty of red... and you might even see it again for Fourth of July.... Anyhow, the girls and I went to our annual mother's club Valentine party, where they exchanged valentines, did crafts and the ever popular decorate a cookie. Sissy had a little cookie with her sprinkles. The next day we enjoyed a Valentine hunt at Grandma's house, complete with yarn trails and clues to solve. Then the grown ups (minus Grandma), went home for some much needed R and R time. It was a LOVEly day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Daddy Knows Fairies

Daddy rides dirt bikes, he works on the car, he can use a cordless drill like it's nobody's business, but he makes a mean fairy. This night was "family night" and daddy helped the girls each create their own fairy, complete with a flower skirt and flower crown. They had a great time working together and as it turns out, he really knows what the face of a fairy should look like. AH, these are the days!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Losing Control

Just when I am feeling accomplished, I round the corner of my house and come upon this treasure in my living room. Being the Professional Home Manager that I am, I will use my trusty time formula to figure out the value of this treasure. I take the time I had to myself to put clothes away and mop the floor (32 minutes) and subract the time it took to clean up this treasure (17 minutes) to give me the total value, which was 15 minutes. Not to mention the joy the girls had climbing, jumping and hiding in it. Cost of mess: Priceless.

Monday, February 9, 2009

New Do

Stay tuned for pics of my new hair cut. Not sure I am it's biggest fan, but I think the feeling is mutual.

A Real Try

Okay, so now I'm going to give this a real try. Currently the girls are playing a game of "Santa Claus", so I can sneak in a shot at working on my up and coming blog. It's sure to be the latest thing. I'm going to attempt to use font, etc.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

These are the days.

This chick is a work in progress.